Chadwick Boseman and Jim Carrey Discuss Legal Matters

Chadwick Boseman Jim Carrey
Hey Chadwick, have you ever had to file KRA returns for a company before? No, I haven’t. What does KRA stand for?
It’s the Kenya Revenue Authority. Do you know what a legal document crossword clue is? I think it’s probably a term or phrase associated with a legal document.
That makes sense. What about dating while legally separated? Have you ever dealt with that? No, I’ve been pretty lucky in that regard. I’ve never had to navigate those waters.
What do you think the requirements for godparents at a baptism are? I assume it’s different for different denominations, but I’d imagine it involves being a practicing member of the faith.
Have you ever started a LLC business in Mississippi? Nope, I haven’t, but I’ve heard it involves a lot of paperwork.
Speaking of legal matters, do you know if a debt recovery agreement is legally binding? I think it depends on how it’s structured and executed. Might be best to consult a lawyer for that one.
What’s your take on prenuptial agreements in Maryland? I think they’re a good way to protect your assets in case things don’t work out. Better safe than sorry, right?
Hey, have you heard whether an agreement in principle affects credit score? I’m not sure, I think it might have a minor impact, but I’m not an expert on that topic.
Are you familiar with the security rules at BWI? Yeah, I think they have some pretty strict rules regarding liquids and electronics.
Lastly, what do you know about the legal claim of right? I believe it’s a legal term that refers to a person’s entitlement to something based on law or contract.
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